AMG can service all your Equestrian needs, we build a variety of equestrian buildings.
AMG can service all your Equestrian needs, we build a variety of equestrian buildings from American Barns, and steel framed buildings for indoor arenas or indoor stable facilities, we work with other high-quality brands such as Hau and Monarch, offering our clients a wide choice in personal requirements ensuring your project is bespoke to you and bringing your equestrian dreams to life.
All required groundwork services from excavation, drainage through to concreting along with all the brick and block work as well as roadways and pathways, is included.
We can supply and install All Weather Arenas with all types of riding surfaces suitable for indoor and outdoor use, providing a high degree of impact absorption, frost resistant, resilient, and highly durable.
Drainage is a very important part in the construction of any indoor, outdoor Arena or Gallops, with many years of experience in this field and many satisfied clients we will design a bespoke drainage system which is installed under the surface ensuring good drainage over the whole arena so that you and your horse enjoy a better all-year-round riding experience.
When choosing an arena surface, you need to consider a variety of factors to ensure it will fulfil your equestrian needs. We offer a choice of arena surfaces suited to a wide range of equestrian disciplines and personal budgets, such as:
- Flexiride is the recognised all-in-one surface. We believe it to be the most economical and versatile surface available on the market to date.
- TurfFloat the same fibre as used at the World Equestrian Games and Olympics, combined with Equisilica sand, is the ultimate performance surface.
- Equisilica sand, The basis of any good arena. Our range of top quality silica sands has been carefully sourced to give maximum hoof support. Ideal for use with Turffloat, Flexiride and Equiride surfaces.
- Equifibre is another example of a great arena surface for you and your horse, the mix of polypropylene, when blended with sand, will stabilise your riding surface and offer an enhanced structure this gives you a strong cushioned surface which can also reduce the risk of concussion and lameness for your horse.
There are also several types of advanced synthetic rubber surfacing. There is a quality arena surface to suit every discipline and every budget to meet the needs of both Horse and Rider.
Operated plant hire and groundwork experts since 2002.
We undertake all works both as main contractors and sub-contractors and have carried out major contracts throughout the central and western belt of Scotland.
Plant Hire
Ranging from excavators equipped plus articulated dumpers, dump trailers, compaction rollers, and heavy plate compactors for both public and private sectors.